- Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) Cost module of Availability Workbench provides and maintain the optimal maintenance strategies required for your reliability, cost, and safety aspects.
- It considers FMECA to identify the critical failures.
Key Features
- Graphically constructed system hierarchy diagram using the adopted Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) methodology
- Identification of critical failure modes and redundancy modelling facility.
- Advice for decision making based on performance simulation using Monte Carlo simulation.
- Weibull analysis of field data and able to optimize plots for alternative maintenance strategies.
- These other maintenance strategies allowed are:
- Scheduled Preventive Maintenance Tasks (Lubrication or Replacement)
- Condition Monitoring Alarms
- On-Condition Inspections
- Inspections for Hidden Failures
- Re-Design
- The prime objectives of the maintenance program like minimizing costs, meeting Safety and Environmental goals and meeting Operational goals can be met easily.
- Using multiple maintenance strategies user can take powerful decisions.
- Multiple standards are used to design the system hierarchy and identify the failure modes.
- Maintenance and spare optimization can be easily done.
- Powerful plots are generated to take decisions for the best optimized strategies.
- Weibull module is also along with the RCM cost module enables the age of the products.